Field of View Calculator

Field of View Calculator

Rod Wodaski’s CCD Calculator is a very useful piece of software that facilitates this calculation and shows the effect of the FOV against an image of various deep sky objects. Screen shots can be seen on the following page.The calculator can be downloaded here.

The parameters for the GO2 telescope have already been entered into the calculator dialogue, these are:

Telescope aperture (80mm) and focal length (480).
Camera pixel size (6.45 μm), array size (1392 x 1040) and binning (1 x 1).
M42 has been selected as the viewed object.

From this data the calculator shows:
The image area within the bounding box,
The Field of View = (48 x 64.2 arcmin)
The image scale = (2.77 arcsecs/ pixel)


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